Seed Your Success

Why the Skin Around Your Eye Ages Fast, and the Key Nutrients to Slow the Crow’s Feet

Episode Summary

The skin around your eye is thinner and more delicate, and so it shows signs of aging much faster than other spots in the form of fine lines, puffiness, eyelid sagging and discoloration. Fortunately, there are eye treatments to prevent and correct these issues, so you can keep all the wisdom of your old soul without looking the part.

Episode Notes

The Anatomy of Eye Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of the body, covering you from head to toe. But skin is not the same all over. The epidermis, (the outer layer of skin), is thinnest on eyelids and thickest on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet.
That thin skin breaks down faster than thicker skin does because it isn’t as collagen-rich (collagen is a protein that gives skin a supple, firm appearance) as other areas of your body.
As collagen naturally decreases with age, fine lines and wrinkles appear to be more visible on the surface of the skin. Eyes are very expressive, too. All the micro-contractions that happen to your skin as you smile or squint in the sun can cause creases in the skin over time. Plus, thin skin means that veins underneath the skin show more, which can contribute to the appearance of dark circles.

Eye skin also lacks sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, or what we think of as “oil”. That waxy substance coats and lubricates the skin. Areas without sebaceous glands and sebum are prone to dryness. Hence, fine lines and wrinkles look more noticeable on dry and dehydrated skin.

Your eye skin can also be subject to a lot of wear and tear. We touch and rub our eyes without even realizing it. Maybe you remove eye makeup every night. Over time, even light tugging can stretch out the thin eye skin and contribute to under-eye and eyelid sagging.
Eye Skin Breakdown
So, now you know why eye skin shows the signs of aging more quickly than other areas on your face and body, but did you know that different parts of the eye area are prone to different issues? Here is what you can expect in the three main areas of your eye skin.

Under-eye skin:
The delicate, thin skin under your eyes is quick to show fine lines and wrinkles. As we mentioned above, as collagen in the skin decreases, the veins and blood vessels become more prominent contributing to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. As we age, the muscles and structure under the eye weaken, which means the skin gets lax and saggy. Also, it’s a prime area for fluid retention, making the under-eye area look puffy.

Eyelid skin: The skin on your upper lids is the thinnest of all the skin on your body. That makes it extremely fragile. Eyelid sagging happens with age and also from excessive rubbing. Eyelid skin is also prone to crepiness.

Outer-eye area: The skin here crinkles up when you smile or squint, and over time, those expression lines get etched into your skin. This forms what we know as crow’s feet—those curved lines in the outer corners of your eyes.

Evoq: Cleanest Evidence-Based Eye Treatment



Fortunately, cutting-edge technology and quality ingredients can help slow the signs of aging around your delicate eye skin.

This illuminating elixir helps to brighten, firm, and smooth the most delicate areas by boosting cell metabolism and stimulating collagen production.

This eye and lip infusion is a one-cream wonder with power-peptides for visible wrinkle-smoothing, shea butter for moisturizing, sea retinol for puffiness-reduction, and trans-resveratrol to protect against any visible signs of premature aging.

The skin under the eye is incredibly thin and delicate (ten times thinner than the skin on the rest of your body), so this formula specifically revitalizes your most expressive features that are the first to show your emotions, signs of age, and fatigue. Swipe up and delay dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles, and say hello bright, beautiful eyes and luscious, plump lip lines."

Shop Evoq Eye and Lip Firming Cream: