Seed Your Success

Rewiring our Hormonal Wellbeing for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Beyond (without medication)

Episode Summary

Is it ADHD, Imbalanced Hormones, Menopause... or Something Else? Today I’m bringing back the beautiful and bright Dr. Felice Gersh, where we will be discussing overall mental health, ADHD, and the link to Hormones and how they impact your brain, moods & wellbeing. Make sure you watch our first episode where Dr. Gersh did an incredible job of weaving together what we now know about the Endocannabinoid System and how it relates to aging. Now, as a woman who masked my ADHD until mid life through an unfair advantage of having a background in Functional and self-healing with the right lab work and supplements, living my dream job as a serial entrepreneur, and being a clinical hypnotherapist, which allowed me access to cleaning up my own traumas - it still comes with it’s challenges. Stay till the end because we will be breaking open the nuances of mental health and how it relates to the symphony of our hormones, and so much more. And…. With four times adult women being diagnosed with ADHD today than children - it's time to go deeper with answers now More now than ever, especially considering those with ADHD already have a 50% increase of anxiety and depression - and that 1 in 4 ADHD women will attempt suicide in their lifetime compared to a neurotypical individual. The medical model leans towards pharmaceuticals, versus looking at holistic Psychiatry - so we completely by-pass promoting the time to really dial in our emotional, hormonal, environmental, trauma and physical wellbeing. Here’s a quote from today's Guest, Dr Felice Gersh: Once a female hits puberty we put her on birth control, and once she goes into menopause, she is put on an SSRI, and after that, if you’re really not doing great, they’ll just remove your female life force organs To sum it up, its a personal mission of mine, as I'm sure it's Dr Gersh’s - in bringing a new integrative approach so we can share it with YOU and other medical professionals, coaches and therapists. Our guest covers all areas of women’s health. Dr. Gersh is renowned for her expertise in the hormonal management of women, with a unique specialization in PCOS, which affects 1 in 10 women. She also approaches the female aging process in a holistic manner, comprehensively addressing the negative impact of sleep disturbances, pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, nutrient and hormonal deficiencies, gut microbiome imbalances, and chronic stress.

Episode Notes

Is it ADHD, Imbalanced Hormones, Menopause... or Something Else?

Today I’m bringing back the beautiful and bright Dr. Felice Gersh, where we will be discussing overall mental health, ADHD, and the link to Hormones and how they impact your brain, moods & wellbeing.

Make sure you watch our first episode where Dr. Gersh did an incredible job of weaving together what we now know about the Endocannabinoid System and how it relates to aging.

Now, as a woman who masked my ADHD until mid life through an unfair advantage of having a background in Functional and self-healing with the right lab work and supplements, living my dream job as a serial entrepreneur, and being a clinical hypnotherapist, which allowed me access to cleaning up my own traumas - it still comes with it’s challenges.

Stay till the end because we will be breaking open the nuances of mental health and how it relates to the symphony of our hormones, and so much more.


With four times adult women being diagnosed with ADHD today than children - it's time to go deeper with answers now More now than ever, especially considering those with ADHD already have a 50% increase of anxiety and depression - and that 1 in 4 ADHD women will attempt suicide in their lifetime compared to a neurotypical individual.

The medical model leans towards pharmaceuticals, versus looking at holistic Psychiatry - so we completely by-pass promoting the time to really dial in our emotional, hormonal, environmental, trauma and physical wellbeing.

Here’s a quote from today's Guest, Dr Felice Gersh:

Once a female hits puberty we put her on birth control, and once she goes into menopause, she is put on an SSRI, and after that, if you’re really not doing great, they’ll just remove your female life force organs

To sum it up, its a personal mission of mine, as I'm sure it's Dr Gersh’s - in bringing a new integrative approach so we can share it with YOU and other medical professionals, coaches and therapists.

Our guest covers all areas of women’s health.

Dr. Gersh is renowned for her expertise in the hormonal management of women, with a unique specialization in PCOS, which affects 1 in 10 women.

She also approaches the female aging process in a holistic manner, comprehensively addressing the negative impact of sleep disturbances, pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, nutrient and hormonal deficiencies, gut microbiome imbalances, and chronic stress.

What you’ll awaken to:

Is ADHD Nature versus nurture?

Pertaining to ADHD - very little research is done on how hormonal influences on the Brain in women

How Trauma may be a cause and effect of ADHD

The bio- psycho- social approach - focuses on the environmental, psychological, and biological factors at play in a person’s life, and then developing a tailored multi-pronged approaches for support.

-The 4 root causes of ADHD Symptoms (genetic, neurological, nutritional and environmental)

The interrelated ecosystem of genetic, epigenetic, cellular, and microbiome-related influences.

Lab Testing & Genetics: COMT is a key enzyme in the elimination of dopamine.
A Val/Val gene has increased COMT activity, which leads to lower dopamine levels and relatively lower prefrontal cognitive function than in individuals with Met/Met Genes.

What is the relationship between hormones and brain function?

What is the relationship between estrogen and ADHD?

How can taking hormones as with contraceptives or in menopause impact brain health and ADHD?

What makes ADHD in women different than in men?

Research has confirmed that the brain is a target organ for estrogen and that estrogen’s neuronal effects have functional consequences.

Specifically, estrogen has been found to stimulate dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain.

Estrogen acts as a dopamine agonist, which increases dopamine activity

The changes in estrogen levels at puberty and again at menopause can dramatically impact a woman’s ADHD symptoms, along with her ability to function.

The essential hormones for mental health in both women and men -- estrogen, thyroid, oxytocin, cortisol, progesterone and insulin -- and their relationship with key neurotransmitters and the brain

Phytoestrogens to support estrogen receptors.

How fasting can help balance hormones, but dieting can be bad for mental health

How stress breaks down the key barriers in the microbiome and cause leakage through the blood brain barrier and increase neuroinflammation

Replacing hormones is not enough -- how you need to optimise your circadian rhythms, nutrition, detoxification, relationships and relaxation for better mental health
Too much dopamine leads to addiction. Too little serotonin leads to depression. Chronic stress drives down both.
Psychobiotics: Bacteria out numbers our human cells by 10 to 1 and 99 percent of the genetic information we carry is also held within the microbiome. New research shows that certain probiotic strains perform as well as SSRI’s.
Suggested Supplements: I’m creating a supplement stack specifically for ADHD- Coming Soon.
Omegas, for the importance of Fat and cholesterol for the brain.
B Vitamins
Vitamin D
DHEA - for depression
Multi / Probiotic
Top Lifestyle Tips:
TAKE care of yourself – Fix your Sleep, Fix your Diet, Fix your Stressors
HORMONES – Balance your thyroid, adrenal, sex hormones, insulin
EXCLUDE reactive foods
ZINC, MAGNESIUM and other minerals
ESSENTIAL fatty acids
EXERCISE and energy
B VITAMINS and other vitamins
RESTORE the Microbiome
AMINO acids and Protein

The Importance of Cellular Electricity:
Problems in mitochondria, the cell’s powerhouses, as well as oxidative stress, have been associated with several neurodegenerative diseases.

Plant-based protein is shown to be better than meat for midlife women

Neurotransmitters and Sleep:
Brain Seratonin Neurons support our sleep hormone melatonin. WIthout enough estrogen - most is made in the ovaries, but can make from the brain.

How a decrease in estradiol in your brain decreases with age and this has a tremendous impact why after menopause mental health issues dramatically rise in women who previously have experienced depression and anxiety

After menopause, an estrogen-deficient brain brings a 400 percent increased risk of having mental health problems

We loose estradiol post-menopause, which increases mental health issues such as anxiety and ADHD

Men make 6-10 times more estrogen in the brain - which is why women have a much harder time with mental health.

Microglia are key to maintaining the health of the brain from mental health to cognitive function.

The microglia are the surveillance system of the brain and if toxins get into the brain, or an infection or a brain injury, they go into a crazy state of activity to deal with the damage and trauma. They then secrete dissolving enzymes and damaged tissue so they can absorb it and make healthy tissues. The issue is, when there's not enough estrogen in the brain to help modulate, the microglia starts producing massive amounts of enzyme and start to damage normal healthy tissue in the brain of there's not enough estrogen to buffer taking the essential tissue needed for brain health

This is one of the reasons why women tend to have almost three times the incidence of alzheimer's disease as males - because estrogen helps to maintain the production of acetylcholine which is key for cementing and creating cognition and memory recall.

Labwork: How to test for genetics and accurate supplementation.

Where to find Dr Gersh:
Look for her new book: Menopause: 50 Things You Need to Know. What to Expect During the Three Stages of Menopause

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