Seed Your Success

Four Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Intuition

Episode Summary

Welcome to our podcast on the Four Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Intuition. In this episode, we will explore ascension as a natural process and discuss the decision to cooperate with this process instead of resisting or remaining detached. I assure you that even if you don't have prior spiritual experience or don't self-identify as intuitive, you can still benefit from this episode. Guided Intuitive Development Exercise: We invite you to engage in a series of exercises designed to awaken and strengthen your intuition. Before you begin, find a comfortable and distraction-free space. Exercises: Imagining the Number 3 with a Cool Font: Visualize the number three in various fonts to activate your clairvoyance (clear inner vision). Use your imagination to stimulate your intuition. Imagining Hearing a Bird Singing: Engage in an auditory visualization aimed at activating your clairaudience (clear inner hearing). Visualize the melody, rhythm, and pitch of a bird's song and connect with nature. Imagining Hearing the Rain Trickling Outside: Experience another auditory exercise targeting clairaudience. Visualize rain sounds to induce a sense of calm and peace. Pathwork with a One-card Tarot Reading: Explore tarot reading for intuitive guidance. Establish personal ground rules, ask clear questions, and interpret cards to deepen your intuitive practice. Recap and Quick Guide: Thank yourself for completing the exercises and commit to practicing regularly. Use the following quick guide for future reference: Visualize the number three in various fonts. Visualize a bird's song and connect with nature. Visualize rain sounds to induce calm. Use tarot cards for intuitive guidance. Conclusion: Stay connected to your inner wisdom and take care until our next session. Remember, intuitive development is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to unlocking the power of your intuition.

Episode Notes

Four Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Intuition


Guided Intuitive Development Exercise:


Imagining the Number 3 with a Cool Font:

Imagining Hearing a Bird Singing:

Imagining Hearing the Rain Trickling Outside:

Pathwork with a One-card Tarot Reading:

Recap and Quick Guide:
